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A Sign Of The Times

Updated: Oct 6, 2020

This past week, the Apex Public School Foundation started distributing the yard signs we made them for area lawns. We may not be able to gather in large crowds, but these little mini billboards dot our landscape. We think of yard signs during political seasons, mostly because we can't wait for them all to disappear, but signs are a useful marketing tool.

Yard signs are useful not just to show support for a cause or a campaign, but to let neighbors know who's doing the fabulous work at your home for landscaping, hardscapes, painting, or other home improvement projects. While an effective tool both long and short term, a larger yard sign is not for everyone. What are some additional options for getting out the message?

Mini- signs- the type you might see if your lawn has been treated for pests- well those are an effective tool for an open house, a message you'd like to convey, but most importantly those signs are small enough to display in your office, in a plant or display behind you in a Zoom call. Thinking outside the box should be the mantra for 2020, because it's our creative ideas that are keeping us all sane!

If you have a large window or glass door in your business, display a sign to show support. For example, the downtown where we are located showed signs of support all-around earlier this summer for local graduates.

Learn more about how to use signage as part of an integrated marketing theme or event in our next blog post.

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