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Focus, Using Bright Ideas

You’ve heard national dates drive engagement, but which dates should you add to your marketing plan?

  • Select dates that align with your brand identity and purpose- making them authentic to your target markets. Embrace dates as a way to show your personality. For example, June 21 is National Selfie Day. Create a fun setting within your business to encourage posts and offer your customers perks for posting. Located in a thriving business district, reward the most creative posts or highest number of shared posts.

  • Drive foot traffic with smart cooperative marketing. Just like adding multiple logos to a 5K tee to show the unity of local sponsoring businesses, develop synergy around national dates with your favorite business partners!

June 27 is National Sunglasses Day. Here are some bright ideas!

  • A town can share its parks by encouraging images of favorite locations within the park, of course wearing sunglasses. Entries could be rewarded with a custom lanyard.

  • Create a contest for local amateur photographers to submit a photo using sunglasses as the prompt. Partner with your arts council and local frame shop to promote this event and frame the winner. Display the top entries in local restaurants, create postcards to purchase in local retailers, or add to a shopping tote locals can purchase- proceeds going to the local food pantry.

  • Create a contest with no work- yep, no work; to qualify the photos must tag the business where they took the selfie. The photographer with the most likes & shares wins! Simply tally up the votes!

  • Individuals wearing sunglasses to your business on a specific day might qualify for a family vacation, earn shopping points or receive a discount on summer apparel.

  • Local restaurants, with exclusive channels & pay per view events, might offer access to diners wearing sunglasses.

  • Set up photo spots around your town to take selfies in sunglasses to encourage foot traffic.

  • Offer a tropical drink to shoppers wearing sunglasses or ice pops for the kids

  • Give away sunglasses at the point of purchase.

  • Reward customers wearing sunglasses with a free sample!

Getting eyes on your business doesn't have to be hard, just strategic. Looking for more ways to engage your markets? We can shed some light during our next collaboration.

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