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How Far Will Your Brand Go?

A good promotion travels- literally. In fact, it's the emotional response to products that makes our industry a hit!  In fact, 85% of consumers recall the name on branded products they own and are 2.5% more likely to have a favorable opinion of that brand over an internet competitor. ( ask me to share the ASI study)

Successful marketing campaigns connect your brand to others. Crafting a story that actually shares your products, services, message or core values is key to your campaign's success. Unlike any other advertising and marketing medium, a tangible product has the potential to touch all 5 senses. What else can potentially offer you sight, smell, taste, sound and touch? 

Social media has changed the speed and easy of sharing our experiences with others, access to information is immediate. Unlike traditional print media, our footprint is now as broad as our extended group of friends and their connections. 

Creating a narrative that is worth sharing is easy when it starts with a product resonates with recipients. Take a look at some popular shares on social media from projects we have done this past year. All of these images were captured on social media, as recipients shared product images in their posts with others!

Smart branders harness the power in tangible products to shape consumer habits and perceptions. The power of those touches through product generate awareness, produce recall, instill appreciation and drives traffic towards your brand. Generating conversation about your brand is what leads to referrals and increases loyalty. We love to see brands keep traveling! There are 365 opportunities next year to grow your brand. Ready to plan?

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