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Out of This World Ideas

The Star Trek phrase- space, the final frontier creates both a call to action, as well as inspiring the imagination.

Innovative marketing ideas don't have to be expensive.

In fact, sometimes free ideas generate out of this world results. For example, did you know that NASA doesn't make money from the branded merchandise that other companies produce?

The NASA logo brand is free; all a company must do is submit their designs to the space agency for approval to make sure they’re using the assets correctly. While revenue is not created from licensing their logo, that doesn’t mean their brand isn’t a shining star.

Anytime you see a NASA shirt, pin, or mug, their mission message of space exploration is launches new views. How about this fun fact - Snoopy has 2.6 million Instagram followers, meaning there is an audience that cares about what’s next for Snoopy.

What’s the takeaway for your brand? Branding & advertising go hand in hand.

Generating interest & engagement requires thoughtful planning, an interesting story, and graphics that go above & beyond!

Let's take your brand out of this world!

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