Let's face it, making a plan is not always at the top of everyone's list unless you're Big Bang character, Sheldon Cooper. However having a plan actually frees up more time because you're simply monitoring progress and executing, not having to innovate during a stressful period at work.
What are some upcoming dates that normally you might overlook in sharing your brand message?
November is:
National Inspirational Role Model Month
National Scholarship Month
November 4: International Stress Awareness Day
November 6: National Team Manager day
November 15: National Philanthropy Day
November 17: National Hiking Day
November 21: Family Volunteer Day
December is:
Safe Toys & Gifts Month
December 1-7: National Hand-washing Awareness Week
December 10-17: Human Rights Week
December 11: National App Day
December 16: National Chocolate Covered Anything Day
December 20: National Ugly Sweater Day
January is:
It's Okay to be Different Month
January 6: Cuddle Up Day
January 10: Cut Energy Cost Day
January 28: Data Privacy Day
By planning out your year in advance, your marketing efforts need only be monitored for progress and then revised or tweaked each quarter based on performance. Use a system such as Hootsuite, to control posts & monitor progress across your platforms. If this just looks like a list of dates- no worries, we can craft your brand story around key dates like these, help you design events or promotions and of course layer in the power of touch to your other marketing channels.