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Six Ways To Be Scratch Made, Using Prepared Ingredients

Olivia's always got a longer list of ideas than time to implement. Turns out that long of ideas is an essential part of her recipe for creating content on the fly. For example, our blog usually has an average of 15 drafts waiting to finalize when inspiration hits or the topic is relevant to client education. Just like a well stocked pantry of ingredients that can quickly become any recipe- all those drafts are future posts . Included in those drafts is today's re shared post. It caught our attention a while back for ways to save time and find inspiration.

Learning never stops for the curious mind- which results in making our company adaptable to change and action oriented to tasks.

Here is the Time-Saving Tips To Create Content Blog post:

If you work on your company’s sales or marketing team, you may create content like blog posts, videos, or social media posts, then you’re probably familiar with the challenges that come with content creation - from finding the time to create the content and then having to keep up with regular posts. Maggie Georgieva, a product manager at HubSpot, understands that you may not always feel motivated (or have the time) to create. However, learning how to manage your time when it comes to content creation can improve your productivity and overall success. We highlight some of her top common sense tips in this post.

Start with a template. There’s no need to start from scratch every time. Using a template lets you follow an outline and organize your thoughts. Many sites offer free blog post templates to help you get started and write faster.

  1. Build a routine. If you want to get better at creating content for your business, develop a routine. Make time for it in your calendar. Perhaps block off 1-2 hours each day for crafting your blog posts and videos. When you stick to your schedule, you’ll likely find you had more time to create than you initially thought.

  2. Maintain a running list of ideas. It can be challenging to come up with compelling topics. That’s why Georgieva recommends keeping a list of ideas handy. Try creating a shared Google Doc with your team and encourage everyone to contribute ideas based on a specific topic. This way you’re not scrambling for worthy topics at the last minute.

  3. Research and then write. Know the main points you want to include in your piece before you sit down to create your content. Organize the data and stats into a quick outline and include any keyword research in the process. Georgieva says this is helpful because when you get ready to create the content, you only need to create - not find - relevant data.

  4. Resist editing while writing. You may want to edit as you go, but Georgieva says this breaks your writing flow. Instead, let yourself write without stopping to correct typos or rephrase sentences. Once you write your initial post, you can always make changes.

  5. Update existing content. Another time-saving tip is to refresh the content you have already created. This is good for SEO and your audience, and it can also give you fresh content when you’re pressed for time. Georgieva suggests reviewing your current content and looking for pieces that could use a deeper dive or a new angle.

  6. Hire someone to create content for you. Sometimes your workload is just too heavy and your efforts can be better used elsewhere, Georgieva says. If you have the resources and budget to do it, hiring outside help can be a great option.

Busy marketers, sales professionals, and business owners sometimes struggle with content creation. By following the tips above, you can overcome some of the most common challenges and stay on track with your content-creation goals.

We'd like to add that creating a stock of ideas for content also makes it simple to pull together the content you need quickly! Since it's National Bake With Family Month, we are suggesting that families are a special blend of people; work families included. We hope you enjoyed this calorie free recipe for creating content.

* Credit due to PPAI Media- Compiled by Audrey Sellars Her Source: Maggie Georgieva, product manager at HubSpot.

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