Ready for 5G? Would you like the ability to engage with the consumer holding your product? Send them messages or ask them questions?
Data collection with products - it's a reality!

Whether embedded into a product or applied as stickers to existing products, this type of technology is cutting edge. No app to download, does not require batteries and if embedded, it’s washable without damage; how's that for ease of use?
Applications for use:
Seasonal coupons or alerts about an upcoming event
Generate lucky winner - a free trip to next conference
Journal - create interactive polling or surveys all year to gauge learning from the event
Unite attendees at events at a global level
Offer advantage of real-time data collection from the recipient- big data collection
Adaptable programming for style preferences to user around purchasing habits, areas of interest or e-learning
Suggest companion pieces for items already purchased to make a set
Seasonal offerings for your retail location
More booth engagement at events for all attendees
Can apply stickers to goods sold in the past to add more value now.