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Ways To Create Focus & Encourage Creativity

How do you keep the mind nimble, open for exploration and problem solving?

Simple- provide daily challenges to think outside the norm and to devote time to play.

Playfulness provides the mind time to wander.

An interactive desk top activity, that also becomes a sleek sculpture of numerous possibilities for generating a 3D design is a simple place to start. The magnetic base offers stability for the 30 magnetic bards and 15 metal ball bearings, as well as a place to focus energy that needs a quick break to recharge the mind.

Puzzled by how this quirky idea can work for your brand?

Ask us to develop a campaign around puzzles & games; our creativity at work for you.

Puzzle games, puzzle coasters, puzzle toys, even USA-Made stone puzzles, that also function as work of art. Visual ques work for retention around themes of unity, strategy and the importance of teaming. We love playing, it's an essential part of the creative process.


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