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You’ve Got Mail!

Email- love it or hate it- it’s a part of our lives that is not going away. Mail recipients don’t appreciate being spammed with offers or solicitations, there are ways to use this medium within the bounds of law and without being annoying. What do you need to know?

If you’d like to add someone to a list, such as a newsletter- it’s no longer okay to only offer the ability to opt out, you need to ask them first if you may add them to your list. That’s one of the reasons we have a pop up on our new website and blog - making it easy to follow us; with your choice to opt into news. It’s happened to me numerous times, attending a tradeshow or networking at a local event, someone takes my card and adds me to their list.

Asking before you add or displaying a sign that says we will be adding you to our mailing list when you deposit your card is appreciated.

Conversely, busy business owners that are the singular employee or that spend their time out in the field working and quoting are starting to rely on text messages to stay in touch with consumers. While texting may help to reach out to your HVAC person or your construction supervisor, by not staying connected after the sale to your client base through email that business might be losing future sales. A newsletter does not have to be long, just informative. Tips for identifying trouble spots in your home or ways to save money are valuable tips to homeowners. Are you receiving refers from a local realtor? Perhaps some of your content could be shared with service providers that refer you, increasing the value as well as the reach of everyone’s services. Busy professionals might also consider adding ways to connect to your social media in the signature of your email.

Another way to create an email list is to offer free content by requesting an opt in for providing your email or agreeing to sign up for additional offers. By the way, are you signed up for our monthly newsletters?

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