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Conquer More, Unify The Team

There is a reason teams with excellent coaches, excel.

An ability to fire up the team- creating a sense of purpose, united goals and a desire to work together is an art. Not all leaders are also effective at motivating the team. Have you ever seen the football film Rudy? Google it, better yet; catch it on your favorite platform.

Even over 20 years later, this film from 1993 resonates with me. The film is based on the account of how Daniel, "Rudy" Ruettiger defied the odds & significant obstacles to play for the University of Notre Dame. The coach in the movie was not motivational and he could not see why Rudy's teammates found in him both the spirit & motivation they needed to win. The leadership of the teammates rallied to created an unforgettable moment.

While you are googling, consider the number of times your newsfeed will come across a post about the culture of a company and a great place to work. Similarly you'd often see posts about leadership qualities or a boss that someone thinks fondly off years later when they're no longer co-workers. No, a promotional items is not going to instill passion, cultivate leadership or promote a sense of unity- that requires a human connection. However, through smart messaging, people will connect the message with the object; in turn cultivating unity through a product.

By 7 am today, individuals that currently worked together and some that previously worked together were all taking about products they received from their company and why they liked and appreciated those products. They could not wait to get to work to get their own group of products from a recent campaign waiting on their desk. That's team spirit.

It also never gets old seeing shirts we either designed for clients or produced being present when employees volunteer, run, perform and come together as a team. Get inside the headspace of your team. Be positive, uplift, motivate and score together. Create your own brand enthusiasts and coach the team to a win!

Do you have a favorite way your team bonds?

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