Our family watches football, so we are familiar with the term a Hail Mary. For those of you that are not football fans, it's a reference to a last ditch effort - aka a long shot attempt to throw a deep pass into the end zone to win the game. The upcoming Super Bowl will generate plenty of hype. In the days leading up to the event, images of rings and trophy's will be broadcast to serve as publicity to the coveted win.
In the work place, as in sports, decorative awards serve a necessary role in motivating and shaping employee behavior. Recognizing performance for goals achieved engages your workforce and sends a message that goals matter. In fact, a 2016 Gallup survey showed that organizations that focus on employee engagement have:
41% lower absenteeism
42% lower turnover   Â
70% fewer employee safety incidents Â
17% higher productivity Â
20% higher sales   Â
21% higher profitability

Your business or organization does not have to have a program in place as large as the NFL to create an iconic award. Designing a custom award is a very achievable goal.
Here is a desk piece for a client that was seeing a way to allow for additional benchmark dates to be added into the stack over time with minimal desk space lost (these are also Made in USA).
We can even create rings with the very same partner that created this ring!

Creative recognition is one of our favorite design tasks!