Feed the head, the heart and the mind.
The more you know about the terminology around environmental efforts the easier it is to discuss how our partners are offering choices for your marketing campaigns.
Like what? Today is the DO list- D through 0!
Deforestation - the action of clearing a wide swath of trees. It decreases habitat and threatens biodiversity, while contributing to other problems such as climate change, soil erosion, flooding, increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and more, according to environmental scientists.
Ecolabel - a visual communication tool showing that a particular product, service or company meets specific environmental standards.
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) - investors and others will look at metrics from these three areas to evaluate how advanced a company or other entity is with sustainability goals.
Fair Trade - an arrangement to help producers in developing countries achieve equitable trade relationships. The idea is to provide sustainable living wages and safe working conditions for farmers and workers around the world.
Greenhouse Effect - a process that involves the trapping of the sun’s warmth in the lower atmosphere, resulting in a warmer planet.
Greenhouse Gas - carbon dioxide, methane, and other gases that let sunlight pass through the atmosphere, but prevent heat from leaving the atmosphere.
Greenwashing - when a company makes sustainability claims for marketing purposes without making any real efforts to follow through. Examples include oil and gas companies advertising "low-carbon energy products" when the vast majority of their offerings are still traditional fossil fuels, or brands announcing plans to end virgin plastic use without outlining clear benchmarks or timelines for doing so. On a smaller scale, it could be a brand logo that incorporates nature-themed graphics to piggyback on the positive public sentiment toward “green” products, without making changes to the products being sold. The term "greenwashing" was coined in 1986 by environmentalist Jay Westerveld.
Microplastic Pollution - tiny plastic particles that result from the development and breakdown of larger plastics that cause harm to the environment. There are 24.4 trillion pieces of microplastics – equivalent to about 30 million plastic water bottles – in the world’s upper oceans, according to a recent estimate.
Organic - a type of agriculture that minimizes the use of chemical pesticides, hormones, synthetic fertilizers and other toxic materials throughout the cultivation of crops. Genetically modified (GMO) seeds are also prohibited. Organic is also a food-labeling term, showing that something was produced under the authority of the Organic Foods Production Act.
Stay tuned for the next section of eco-vocab!