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Ways To Add Some Heart

February is the month associated with romance and heart health. Giving back to others is a way to show some heart in your community.

Olivia is a member of the Apex Rotary Club and Rotarian's believe in "service above self". Besides helping others, did you realize that service is beneficial to yourself?

While giving is about others, it is helpful to you! How?

  1. Connection to others - solving someone else's problem feels good and builds a genuine bond of respect, friendship and trust

  2. Adding meaning & purpose to your life - fulfillment that things can't buy

  3. Attitude Adjustment - you'll feel better and perhaps even boost your confidence giving back to others.

  4. Longevity - health experts often tie a long healthy life to personal development.

Our goal for 2020 is for others to be absorbed by your brand story. Our blog is constantly adding ways to use national dates or give back on a larger scale. In addition to those posts, Promotional Partners has added 2 featured products as part of a year long Give Back Program. Ask us to share those details with you!

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