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What's Behind The Demand For Bags

Besides our punny side suggests you can always "bag more", by incorporating a smart-looking bag into your advertising and marketing campaigns. There are 2 key drivers for the demand in bags. Both key factors share an environmental connection.

Eliminating waste, combined with bans on plastic and paper bags has increased sales in this category as well as a shift to purchase trendy, retail-inspired details & fabrics. Even among your commodity priced bags, often referred to as grocery totes, we are seeing higher quality materials, greater attention to detail and unique construction.

Popular options we stock in our showroom for comparison include environmentally friendly solutions such as organic cotton, jute, and bags made from recycled plastic water bottles.

We’ve seen an increased demand for the ability to add full-color imagery to that extra-large imprint area associated with bags, including edge-to-edge full sublimation.

Your brand identity shapes the choices we suggest for your campaign. Defining the user of your bag promotion is critical. Imagine a consumer sitting at the table with you when making product selections; what features will connect with that market? Our showroom and collaborative style make it easy to compare options and reach a decision without tons of emails!

Bags are more than a place for storage or utility to the consumer, which makes them a go to item when crafting your yearly marketing campaigns. Check out these compelling stat's from our partner at ASI. (Advertising Specialty Institute International) A $5.00 bag will generate over 3,300 impressions over it's average life span of 11 months, which means that your cost to advertise is less than 2/10 of a penny per impression. That's an economical cost per impression or CPI, making bags a smart return on your investment; even smarter as an Eco Solution that gives back to global efforts!

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