We love dogs! After-all unconditional love is pretty amazing. We've previously shared some compelling stats related to the number of American's with pets & just how much pet lover's spend on their companions; the numbers are staggering. Savvy marketers looking for ways to connect with young professionals to seniors might want to take a second look at pet products.

Items for the home, such as pet hair removal, are the perfect connection for the home. Today, let's explore some options outside the home- where many of our 4 legged friends roam. An unofficial poll of our connections on social media would suggest that Fido gets a regular puppuccino. A local coffee shop should consider offering coffee sleeves with popular breed faces, and consider increasing the impact of the sale by partnering with local rescue groups to give back a % of proceeds. Increasingly, consumers want to know how their dollars help others, which is why we maintain a cause marketing segment on our blog.

Every weekend, our team members with dogs can be found at local parks or dog parks to exercise our companions. When we saw this gift set at a recent show, immediately following the word "awe", was this set would make the perfect closing gifts, shopper loyalty, or holiday mailer to a pet lover!