To keep my MAS certification with PPAI, requires 30 renewal credits every 3 years. These courses allow me to challenge myself to make changes that keep our company growing & evolving. We are also a HUB status business to connect us to partners seeking women- owned partnerships.
Several of my courses were around diversity, equity and inclusion.
What major concepts did I take away?
Diversity is more than race, ethnicity, gender, age, and LGBTQ+. During one of my courses, Kelly McDonald, Speaker and Author, McDonald Marketing, suggested we explore others ways we are different from one another. By recognizing how we are different we broaden our perspective's which translates into a more productive & cohesive team in the workplace.
Here are some examples of how we are different:
Married or single
Parent vs no kids
Pet owner vs no pets
Introverts vs. Extroverts
Prefer collaboration or independent work
Creative vs. Analytic Thinking
Morning People vs. Night Owls
Generational differences & perceptions of “good service”
Rural vs. Metro
Communication styles: face-to-face or email/texting only
Apple people vs. Google people
Religious beliefs
Within our team- we are all different. Sure we have some similarities too.
My post about the power of generational diversity lead to a series of discussions. Those discussions led to our pearls of wisdom series to celebrate women's history month. Each woman that is part of this series is a trailblazer in their industry. Each offered encouragement, coaching & mentoring through their "pearls". When we listen we learn. Being surrounded by individuals that approach projects differently, with a different frame of mind keeps me sharp; curious & exploring. Our team and our partners grow my hub of knowledge.
Best of all, my toolbox stays well rounded. I'm able to replace antiquated tools with better tools to solve challenges. I seek out certifications that align with better tools for my toolbox. Build your own box- don't settle for pre-made. Like visual arts, there is no one way to paint, sculpt or draw; find the mediums that are right for your voice.
Besides, just like what mayo does to zest up a sandwich, mayo can grease the wheel. Progress happens when we move forward! Staying curious strengthens the imagination, which becomes a creative power in your box.